One Piece は も すき!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Psychology Tests III

Another one and it came from HERE:

U dont actually have to watch the entire thing since i would just summarize it for you.

There are RED BEAN bread, CURRY bread, JAM bread, and MELON bread. Please associate your friends with the breads. (in the video, it said to associate the bread with the members - tvxq- i didn't think that much so i just associate it with tvxq members instead of my friends.. lol)

my answers:
read bean: JaeJoong
jam: YooChun
melon (damn i love this bread! if u love melon bread put ur hands up!): Junsu
curry: YunHo
Sorry Changmin.. hahaha

here are the meanings behind ur choices!!!

Red bean: the person you can say anything to, a reliable person.
Jam: the person you can act childish/selfish in front of.
Melon: the person you superficially go along/well with.
Curry: the person you don't want to see on vacation.

my reaction:


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