In 1711, a group of alchemists and travelers gain immortality by summoning the elixir of life. Two hundred years later, many of these individuals have scattered across the world in a range of occupations such as normal pedestrians, terrorists and members of the mafia. These forces along with many others are about to come together on the streets and in a train. With the stage set, let this debacle begin.
Score:10/10i think so far this is the only anime that i've given a full score.
Since it is by the same author, so the plot is as interesting as Durarara!!, except that this one has more violence.
I actually got a bit confused when watching this since it kept on going back to the past and then back to the present.. then future.. then past.. present.. future.. and on and on and on...
I got attached to this anime since the very first episode. I think i've found my ideal genre of anime.. hahaha
What i like about the plot is how it relate sto the reality, how cruel the world is and all.. let's ignore the supernatural part. But the supernatural part is what makes this anime even more interesting!
I'm satisfied with the ending..
Seeing Czes crying melts my heart..
aww~ didn't realise i actually have a soft spot for kids.. (even though he's actually 300+ years old..)
I totally skipped the ending music since it sounds so depressed yet the dark bluish video makes it even more depressing...
But i love the opening song.
If you EVER found another OP that introduces each character in it, then it must have been from the same author. Durarara is also like this.
Same as Durarara!! each character has distinct personality and the anime is potraying it very well. The seiyuu fits them very well too.
I don't think i have to introduce the characters again since you know how in every character part of my review contains spoiler and not to mention the OP itself already introduces them.
But anyway, i'll just introduce you to my top 3 favorites:
1. Czeslaw Meyer
Idk. i just think he's cute for a kid.
and his character as a evil kiddo with horrible memories just suits him very well.
2. Firo Prochainezo
I don't think i need to tell you guys my reason for this.. *coughbishiescough*
3. Luck Gandor
I think he's the oldest anime/manga character i have ever liked.
For no reason he just caught my attention since the OP from the 2nd episodes.
I just think he's somehow charming, cool, calm, collected, yet reliable.and i can't believe who he turns out to be at the last episodes!
4. Claire Stanfield
cus he's AWESOME!
I know he's evil and a psycho when it comes to killing people. But man! He's just amazing even though he's a villain there!
He's like the 2nd Izaya! But idk in term of brains.. Izaya is still no.1 in my heart.. hahaha
last but not least..
5. Isaac and Miria
I found their voices annoying at first, like they totally ruining the whole anime, but as i kept on watching, they become likeable.
And i just cant forget their trademark:
Miria: Nee Isaac..
Isaac: nanda Miria??
and btw, there is a character that annoyed the heck out of me, it's Jacuzzi Splot!
At the first 6 episodes (6? 7?) this guy has been such a crybaby and it's pissing the heck out of me. Maybe it's because of his voice when he is crying.. but ohmygod.. i just cant stand crybabies.
But i forgive him for being brave enough in thelater episodes.. =_=
Just a girl who's making good use of Blogspot to write anything i want. Be it Kpop, Jpop, Cpop, Wpop, manga, anime, games, sports, EVERYTHING.
"I'm not rude, i just can't find any other perfect word to describe it." - Jacqkrants
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