Score: 9/10
There are a couple episode that i don't 100% enjoy.
Plot: I don't think i could describe the plot here. But it's a about three troublesome triplets. It includes about their daily life at school, teachers, friends, and their dad.
It's funny how they started season 2 with Gachi Ranger,
yeah, that episode left me like this:
and ended it with Gachi Ranger too.
At first, i found the opening abit annoying but after listening to it a couple of time, i memorised it straight away and love to watch the opening. haha
But the ending is a NO..
I don't think i have to write alot about this one. Just refer to my old post about this HERE. In this season 2, i don't see much of Kuriyama-sensei here. I was kinda happy because her voice was annoying as heck..
But we learn more about other characters here like:
Miyashita, who's forgotten by everyone, including me. I forgot her name when i was about to type this.. haha
also, Satou's fans. We could see more of their craziness here.
They are kind of freaky to me..
I'm starting to like Chiba's character in here too.
He's one of the troublemaker and pervert in the class but he made everything so fun to watch.
but i ship Futaba-Satou couple. I LOVE THESE TWO!
However.. Poor Yabecchi.. whether it's season 1 or 2, his love towards Kuriyama-sensei is still unrequited.. maybe this will goes on forever.. ha.
There are 8 episodes in total for this season, not including the upcoming special episode next week.
and like i've mentioned, there are a couple of episode that i didn't completely enjoyed. But my personal favorites are:
- episode 2: Yabecchi's lonely Christmas and how he got caught by the triplets' dad again.
- episode 3: talking about H U M I L I A T I O N...
- episode 5: everything about it was funny..
- episode 6: especially the section about the snow pee.
- episode 7: The santa part was great.
the ending part about when they were cleaning the poll was HILARIOUS. Also, the small segment of musical after that part was funny too.
I was actually very upset that it ends so fast... I was hoping it would last until episode 13 or more than that.. It's the only anime that could make me laugh for real.
The ecchi in here was enjoyable to watch, like it didn't go over the top, and i love their 'misunderstanding' concept. I even texted my friend like, 'What am i supposed to watch when Mitsudomoe ends..?' LOL
That is just how much i love Mitsudomoe. But WHY? WHY DO THEY HAVE TO END IT SO FAST? You think a special episode could make it up?? NO!
Sigh.. oh well.. But i do enjoyed all the episodes both from season 1 and 2.
I hope there will be another anime like this in the future, or they could just make a season 3! :DDDDD
Thanks for the hardwork people!
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